News! News!


*edited to add* Just got word today that they will ship the samples out tomorrow via EMS.  It should be about 3-5 days before they arrive so I’ll have photos and official pre-order starting next week!  thanks everyone!! :D


Prototype photos! :D  I was going to save it as a surprise, but since the photos show Epsilon on the body, the cat’s out of the bag!  You will be able to choose the color, but also the which head you want!  Gamma and Epsilon will both be available.  You’ll be able to order both heads if you like as well. :3

I will keep early bird orders open for another week before I close them.  Remember, early bird orders get a free face-up if they choose! You can find more info about early bird ordering here!


I will also be offering line painting, adding lines to the face-up, and doing custom paint jobs on a limited basis.  I can only do a few of those a month, so I’ll take them on a case-by-case basis.  More info and pricing when the samples get here and I can get some pictures and examples!



In other news, Machina and Lagoon are in Dolls Magazine’s December issue!

You can check out the issue here! Pg 29 and  33!

The Lagoons are also now in stock!

When you order the doll will ship in a matter of days, no waiting!

There are two face-ups available(shown above), or you can buy her blank.

More info on her order page!


  1. Kaji (John) says:

    LOVE! He looks amazing! I can’t wait for them to come in… I keep getting more excited the more of them I see. :)

    Thank you for posting the photos!

  2. Minuet says:

    Hi! I wanted to know if you would be interested in working with me on an article about your dolls. Also, when will you be releasing your new dolls for sale?

    • Tantan says:

      I’d love to work on an article with you. :3 You can email me at batchix at yahoo dot com

      I’ll open the regular pre-order officially once I have the samples in hand, which will hopefully be next week sometime. The casting studio is running a little behind, but hopefully it won’t be a long wait. I’ll make an announcement here and on DOA when they’re officially released for pre-order. :3 ATM price is subject to change when the official pre-order starts as I haven’t gotten a final total from the casting studio yet… but those who’ve done the early bird order are locked in at this price.

  3. Kaji (John) says:

    Hey, did the samples arrive? …I can’t tell when the edit was added! ><; I can't wait to see them!

    • Tantan says:

      They were shipped friday, but they just left Hong Kong today. e____e; i don’t know why, but it’s been really, really slow getting these guys. i’m sorry!

  4. Kaji (John) says:

    It’s okay! These things happen. I’m just so glad I’ll be able to get my guy eventually!

    I’m glad to hear they’re on their way, so I can see more while I wait. ;)

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